The Chemical Industry Daily focuses on the development of China's display industry and reports on domestic equipment enterprises such as Kzone Equipment



On July 2nd, the Chemical Industry Daily published an article titled "中国ディスプレイ産業技術力急速に向上,製造裝置含め国産化推進" It paid attention to the technological development of China's display industry and equipment localization, and reported on domestic display equipment enterprises such as Suzhou Kzone Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.



The article provides a detailed description of the development of China's display industry in recent years, and reports on the progress of domestic equipment enterprises such as Suzhou Kzone Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. in promoting the localization of display equipment.


Chemical Industry Daily is a chemical industry professional newspaper founded by the Japanese Chemical Industry Daily in February 1937. Developed by a professional daily newspaper specializing in the chemical industry and its related industries, the newspaper provides readers with high-level information services. Its main customer groups include fine chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biopharmaceutical engineering, life sciences, electronics, power industry, plastic and rubber processing, steel and metals, finance and insurance, government agencies and related groups, overseas, technological equipment and other high-tech fields, as well as corresponding to globalization, Environmental issues related to Asia and world security are taking on a new look and providing more updated and accurate information and services.

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栏目列表/Column List
Kzone Dynamics